Theater Morgenroth & Schwester
Knusper, Hexen, Königskinder
Dance / Performance for children 4+

From Rumpelstiltskin to the Frog King, the Morgenroth sisters know all the Brothers Grimm fairy tales inside out. Well, almost. Most of the time, anyway. And you can't always remember everything from a story. The main thing is to play, twist and turn with all one's body what the fairy tales have to offer. The two actresses exude the magic of transformation and explore the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm in their very own way with little language.

For this production, Theater Morgenroth & Schwester has enlisted the help of choreographer Eva Borrmann to work together on the classics of their childhood. In the process, they have discovered that everyone has their very own images of the well-known fairy tales in their heads. But whatever these images look like, the magic of the fairy tales remains the same.

Duration: 40 min.
Venue: Kulturforum Fürth
Premiere: Octobre 2019
Spiel: Meike Hess und Rebecca Kirchmann
Regie / Choreografie: Eva Borrmann
Bühne / Kostüm: Eva Eidinger
Assistenz: Katharina Simons
Eine Produktion im Auftrag des Kulturforum Fürth